Quality mark Cultivation
/Keurmerk Wild
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Shellfish is a culinary term that is often used for several species of molluscs, gastropods, bivalves and arthropods. Some examples are the St. James shell, mussels, razor clams, oysters, cockles and whelks. Most shellfish live partly or fully buried into the seabed, mostly in sandy or gravelly bottoms. They feed by filtering nutrients out of the water. Seed and eggs are released into the water and fertilized externally. Most shellfish are hermaphroditic, they can be both male and female. There are many different shellfish species in the North Sea that are very much suitable for consumption. Fishing methods on shellfish include hand-picking, dredging or mechanic dredges (suckers).
Razor clam
The Ensisgenus houses many bivalve species and is also referred to as razor clam or sword razor. Species of the Ensis genus can be found along the entire European coastline. The Americanjackknifeclam is the most common razor clam species which can be found along the Dutch coast.This speciesis originally found near western Atlantic coastlines but has been introduced in the North Sea via ballast water.Razor clams are bivalves with an oblong, rectangular shelland often live buried in the sand at depths of up to 50 centimetres.Razor clam species usually occur aggregated in large numbers. They also have very well–developed swimming skills;they swim by pushing water out of their shell.
Razor clam
Ensis spp.
North Sea (FAO 27)
Farming- / Catch method
Mechanic dredges
- Jan
- Feb
- Mar
- Apr
- May
- Jun
- Jul
- Aug
- Sep
- Oct
- Nov
- Dec
Minder tonen Toon beoordeling
Explanation assessment
The Dutch razor shell fishery has been MSCMSC: Marine Stewardship Council, an independent, international non-profit organization that has developed an eco-label that guarantees well-managed, sustainable fisheries. Fish products that meet the criteria of the eco-label can be identified by the blue MSC logo.-certified since 2012. The razor shell fishery takes place in the Dutch coastal waters of the Zeeland Delta and north of the Wadden Sea. The vessels use dredgesBoat dredges: A fishing method used for collecting shellfish and crustaceans from the bottom. The ship drags a steel frame with a net over the bottom, in which shellfish and crustaceans are caught. Large ships can drag multiple dredges simultaneously, on each side of the ship. and suction trawls to fish the razor shells. The razor shells are exported mainly to Spain and Italy.
Razor clam
Ensis spp.
North Sea (FAO 27)
Farming- / Catch method
Hand collection
- Jan
- Feb
- Mar
- Apr
- May
- Jun
- Jul
- Aug
- Sep
- Oct
- Nov
- Dec
Minder tonen Toon beoordeling
Fish stocks and fishing pressure
Ecosystem effects
Fishery management
Final assessment
Explanation assessment
Despite the high economic importance of this species, no stock estimateStock estimate: Estimating the number of fish of a particular species who are reproducing in the same spawning area in the same period. has been conducted. However, other data indicate that the stockStock: The fish of a particular species reproducing in the same area in the same period. has fluctuated around a level consistent with a biologically safe limit.
Some of the razor clams are hand collected. In shellfish harvesting, no bycatchBycatch: Species caught next to species targeted for fishery. By-catches can consist of non-commercial species and species that are too small, and can be kept (this part is sometimes called by-product) or thrown back into the sea (discards). occurs and can be fished very [selectively]. This method causes no negative effects on the ecosystem and habitat. However, undersizedUndersized fish: Fish smaller than a prescribed minimum size. These sizes are determined per species and per country. For Europe, a minimum landing size applies to all EU Member States. razor shells are often harvested.
The managementManagement: The regulations surrounding fisheries and aquaculture that ensure that production is carried out within legal frameworks and that sustainability can be assured. of the razor clam fishery from Europe is not sufficient. A minimum landing sizeLanding size: The length of the landed fish. is set (of 10cm), but there are no other measures. There is sometimes local management, such as gear regulations, closed areas and seasons, or daily catch limits. Especially problematic is the harvesting of undersizedUndersized fish: Fish smaller than a prescribed minimum size. These sizes are determined per species and per country. For Europe, a minimum landing size applies to all EU Member States. razor clams and illegal fishing. ManagementManagement: The regulations surrounding fisheries and aquaculture that ensure that production is carried out within legal frameworks and that sustainability can be assured. of this species is partially effective.